Haoran Wu
DPhil Student
- Environmental Change Institute
- School of Geography and the Environment
Haoran is interested in tree pests and disease outbreaks worldwide. During the Master’s, he worked to understand the ecological consequences of ash dieback disease. He compiled a climate-demographics database to study how the environment interacts with the pathogen to change tree mortality rates.
He also developed a model to forecast disease impact on forest health at Wytham Woods. In his DPhil project, Haoran will compile a global database of forest pests and diseases, and assessing how they affect forest biodiversity and nutrient cycles through integrative modelling. He is passionate about providing data and modelling products to nature recovery in diseased woodlands.
Haoran has a BA in Ecology from Zhejiang University, and an MPhil in Biodiversity, Conservation, and Management from, the University of Oxford. His DPhil project will be funded by the Scottish Forestry Trust.